What did you have for breakfast?
I had wholegrain toast, one had jam on it and one had Vegemite and then I had a banana next to it with coffee.
How would your friends describe you? Three words
Bubbly, busy, beau- no I'm kidding haha and hardworking maybe?
What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
If you're not passionate about it then you're doing the wrong thing.
Describe yourself in three words
Crazy, smiley and passionate
What's important to you? Can you explain your values?
Honesty is very important to me. Genuine kindness, I'm not about that fakeness and keeping some things private like the world doesn't have to know everything.
Tell us one thing no one knows about you
I'm a pretty good cook.
What are your dreams and future goals/where do you see yourself in 10 year?
My ultimate dream dream dream would be performing somewhere on a big stage for a big artist or something like that and I just want my future to be me being happy in my career.
Fill me in on your dance practice!
Can you tell me how you first got into dancing?

You know this thing kids do called 3 year old kinder well we didn't have one near me house so my mum was like okay I'll put her into dancing. I went to a little dance community centre thing and I started doing ballet, tap, jazz and I did that for 11 years. Then I joined L2R when I was 18.
Why is dance important to you?
Dance is important to me because it's a way of self expression like when you watch different people you can see their personality within that routine. I like how it brings people together especially L2R we're all from different cultures we're all different yet we bond over dance. It's also a good way to express yourself creatively and I like the way it's being celebrated around the world right now and the dance culture is growing.
Can you explain to me how and where you practice dancing?
I practice with L2R every Tuesday, at home when I'm creating choreo or freestyling and my main practice is for the Superhoods crew we rehearse 2-3 times a week sometimes more if we have gigs, events or auditions coming up.
How does performing make you feel?
Sometimes nervous if it's for a big thing but most of the time happy like I can't wipe the smile off my face.
Does your cultural background play a role in your dance practice?
Not really honestly. I feel like other people's cultures dances influenced me for example I'm a big fan of afro beats.
Talk to me about hiphop. What do you like about hiphop?
OooOoo the flavour! It's like you've sprinkled chilli salt not just normal salt, its chilli salt. It's not so strict, you don't have to stay in one box, it's very flexible.
What role does L2R play in your life?
A big one. It's provided me with a lot more opportunities like I've made a lot of new relationships and connections. It's opened me up to the breakin' world like I didn't even know Melbourne had bboys and bgirls before I came to l2r. Also all these different places to train like O2 yeah it's opened my eyes.
What exciting projects do you have coming up
We have Moomba with L2R. Well I'm not allowed to say but there's a secret thing we auditioned for with me and my crew and it would be really exciting if we get in. Other than that I'm just trying to teach more regularly at studios and get jobs teaching.
Interviewed by Stephanie Dixon
Photography by Sam Wong